
The Research Compliance Unit offers trainings for TTUHSC EP clinical research personnel, designed to help prepare and guide staff through a human subject clinical research study.
Please note that all of the trainings offered are focused solely on human subject clinical research.
Below are the trainings offered, along with a brief description.

Click Here to Request Training

* Please note that in-person trainings are not being offered at this time.
* If you have any ideas for trainings that you would like to see, please feel free to email your request to Research Compliance

Trainings Offered Online Training
Required Courses
Basic Informed Consent Training
*Required by the IRB to obtain or maintain an iRIS account if you will be conducting human subject research*
Basic introduction to conducting informed consent for clinical research purposes.
Introduction Courses
Training Requirements for Clinical Research Personnel
An introduction to the basic training requirements for PIs and research personnel.
What is iRIS and How Do I Get an Account?
An introduction to the iRIS software and how to request a user account.
Building a Study Regulatory Binder
An introduction to regulatory binders, their purpose, and how they are built.
Creating and Maintaining Data Collection Forms
A basic introduction to creating and maintaining research forms created for specific studies.
Basics of Data Collection & Data Management
A basic introduction to aid faculty and staff in collecting and maintaining data for clinical research trials.
Training Binder Development and Other Helpful Tools
Helpful tools for organizing and maintaining research and departmental records.
Basics of
Basic introduction into that is meant to aid research personnel in determining if a clinical trial should be submitted to
Study Advertisements and Subject Recruitment
A review of the types of advertisements that can be used to recruit subjects and what information is required.
Research Misconduct
A training to familiarize research faculty and staff with typical forms of research misconductand what to do if they come across it.
What are Unanticipated events and How Should They Be Reported (AE, SAE, UPIRSO…)?
A basic introduction to identifying and reporting unanticipated events such as adverse events and serious adverse events for clinical research purposes.
Preparing for Internal Research Audits
A basic introduction to aid faculty and staff in preparing for an audit in order to know what to expect.
Preparing for External Research Audits
A basic introduction to aid faculty and staff in preparing for and in knowing what to expect for external audits.
Basics of Data Collection for Retrospective Cart Review
A basic introduction to aid faculty and staff in collecting and maintaining data for retrospective chart review studies.
Typical Audit Findings for Retrospective Studies
Typical audit findings for retrospective chart review studies and how to prevent them.
Basics of Conducting a Retrospective Chart Review Study Available
Informed Consent Process Do's and Don'ts Available
Practice Courses
Typical HIPAA Mistakes
A practice course that provides a basic understanding of common mistakes that occur onHIPAA in informed consent forms and how to correct them.
Typical Assent Mistakes
A practice course that provides a basic understanding of common mistakes that occur on assents and how to correct them.
Typical Biomedical Informed Consent Mistakes
A practice course that provides a basic understanding of common mistakes that occur on biomedical informed consents and how to correct them.
Typical Parental Informed Consent Mistakes
A practice course that provides a basic understanding of common mistakes that occur on parental informed consents and how to correct them.
Atypical Informed Consent Scenarios
Scenario training for principal investigators and research staff using informed consents.