Frequently Asked Questions

New vehicles should be registered through the Park Admin website with their temporary plates. After obtaining your new license plate number, you will need to update the plate number using the Park Admin website at You can also call the parking office 915-215-4425 or email

If this vehicle is replacing another vehicle currently registered, then you will need to return the previous issued decal and inform the Parking office. 

You can register a second vehicle/motorcycle at no additional cost.

If you are not able to return a previously issued decal, there is a $2 replacement fee.

Unregistered or rental vehicles on campus will need to display a temporary parking 
permit. You will need to stop by the Parking office with the following vehicle information: color, 
make, model, and license plate number.

New registrations and new employees are designated to the T16 Facilities Services Building lot where employees are shuttled onto campus. Shuttle stops include the Medical Education Building (MEB) stop and Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso at Alberta stop.

To register for a handicap permit, you will need to provide a copy of your placard or vehicle registration form and your driver's license. Please note displaying a Texas Tech Health El Paso issued permit alone is not allowed and you will be cited. It is a violation of state law to park in a handicap area without displaying proper handicap permit or plates. 

Citations may be paid through the Park Admin system on-line, in person at 5310 El Paso Drive, or checks may be made payable to Texas Tech Health El Paso and sent via mail to:

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
130 Rick Francis St. MSC51029
El Paso, TX 79905

Appeals may be sent to or made online through the Park Admin system within 10 days of the alleged violation. Appeals will not be accepted after the 10 days allowed.

Off-site employees who need to park on campus to load/unload or attend a meeting must register their vehicles and obtain a transferable permit at the Parking office located at 5310 El Paso Drive. Individuals needing to cover will not be allowed to park within the patient lots.

Off-site employees who frequently need to be on campus will need to pay for a monthly off-site temporary parking permit with a monthly fee.

Employees at Transmountain and MCA are required to be registered and pay for parking like campus employees. 

Parking at Offsite Locations

Parking at Offsite Locations

Location Requied to Pay
Yes No
Kenworthy   X
North Mesa   X
Transmountain X  
Val Verde   X

Faculty members are automatically registered to the MEB parking lot and law enforcement personnel are automatically registered to the T6 ASBII lot.

Reserved parking is $55/month or reserved covered parking is $60.50/month (Senior Directors and above qualify) 

Two vehicles registered under the same student or employee cannot be on campus at the same time. If for some reason the two vehicles are on campus at the same time, a $1 a day fee will be implemented. This will only be permitted as an exception and will not be allowed on a daily basis.

No, if the same vehicle is registered under two paying individuals assigned to different lots, then each individual must choose a primary vehicle. The employee who will be using a vehicle not designated to their lot will be required to notify the office of the temporary switch.

No. If you have never paid for parking, then you will be considered a new registration and will be designated to the T16 Facilities Services Building lot.

There is no option to swap places with a current registered employee or an employee who is terminating.

Upon space availability, spaces are offered by current date of hire.

Contact the Parking office at 915-215-4425 and let them know you will be in the patient lot to avoid any warning or citation. 

If your lot is full due to an event, please refer to campus notices. The current overflow lot is T14 located on Gateway East.

There are 30-minute loading and unloading parking spaces that may be used. In case more time is needed or the 30-minute space is taken, please notify our office to avoid citations. 

Employees may not park in a Visitor parking space

Students may park closer to campus after 3 p.m. when displaying a student permit.

Employees may only move their vehicles closer to campus after 4 p.m. 

If leaving a vehicle overnight, an email needs to be sent to The email must contain the make, model, and license plate number of the vehicle, as well as the location where vehicle will be parked. Information will then be forwarded to the Texas Tech El Paso Police Department. Please be advised that if these steps are not taken, the vehicle runs the risk of being towed.