56.60.01 - Institutional Videoconferencing Systems

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The purpose of this policy is to define accepted practices, responsibilities, and procedures for the TTUHSC El Paso Information Technology Classroom Technology Videoconferencing and Room Reservation System (EMS). This policy applies to all videoconferencing equipment, rooms, systems, software, and services connected to the TTUHSC El Paso network or operated in TTUHSC El Paso facilities.


This operating policy and procedure will be reviewed every odd-numbered year by the director of Institutional Technology Services and approved by the chief information officer (CIO).


  1. Information Technology (IT)’s Classroom Technology Department operates, maintains, schedules, and supports institutional videoconferencing systems installed in TTUHSC El Paso classrooms, conference rooms, auditoriums, and similar facilities, as well as affiliated locations. To preserve the value of this technology as an educational, health care, and communications medium, it is necessary to set standards for hardware and software acquisition, acceptable use, security, configuration management, user training, resource reservation (scheduling), upgrades, and replacements that affect TTUHSC El Paso’s institutional video conferencing systems.

    This policy applies to all videoconferencing equipment, systems, software, and services connected to the TTUHSC El Paso network or operated in TTUHSC El Paso facilities.

  2. The IT Classroom Technology Department requires that customers participate in a user training before attempting to use any institutional videoconferencing system or equipment.

  3. Videoconferencing services require the use of a centrally managed scheduling system according to institutional priorities.

  4. The Classroom Technology Department is the owner of the EMS and the CIO is the approving authority for all EMS revisions, upgrades, and configuration changes.

  5. Classroom Technology staff assigned to scheduling duties on behalf of departments and schools use the EMS client version for creating resource reservations at https://elpappems01.ttuhsc.edu/VirtualEms/. This site is used for advanced reservations (24 hour minimum), which are highly recommended to ensure availability. Persons needing either type of EMS access or additional reservation assistance should contact Classroom Technology at 215-4111, option 2 for assistance in creating an account.

  6. Institutional videoconferencing equipment, software, systems, and services are subject to the same security rules and policies that govern other electronic communications at TTUHSC El Paso. As a further precaution, department and personal media storage devices must be scanned for viruses and malware before attaching to any institutional videoconferencing system.

  7. Only videoconferencing hardware, software, and services approved by IT may be installed on institutional videoconferencing systems.

  8. The Classroom Technology Department manages the support of broadcasting and non-broadcast services through the use of an event schedule, which ensures that distance learning classrooms and other video facilities and services are ready for use when needed. EMS (https://elpappems01.ttuhsc.edu/VirtualEms/) is the institutional reservation management system for scheduling the use of classrooms, conference rooms, videoconferencing services, and other resources at TTUHSC El Paso.

  9. The use of Classroom Technology facilities and services may result in service charges to the customer. Examples of facilities and services for which charges may be assessed include:
    1. After-hours equipment reservations will be assessed as a package request involving equipment as well as technician overtime pay. The two are inseparable and equipment will not be provided in absence of a technician. After-hours reservations require a minimum of two hours.

    2. Weekend broadcast and non-broadcast events will be assessed much like after-hours requests (standard fee includes equipment and technician(s) overtime.; two-hour minimum). Please note: reservation of weekend broadcast and non-broadcast events will require a minimum of one month’s notice. Events will not be scheduled with less than one month’s notification.

  10. Advance reservations must be made for all audiovisual equipment and classroom requirements
    • Reservations are accepted up to 3 p.m. MST for next business day service.
    • Weekend equipment reservations must be placed by 3 p.m. MST the Monday prior to the event.
    • An exact room number, start time, and end time must be specified for every reservation.
    • A lead time of at least seven business days is required to reserve equipment or special events.
    • End-users are required to make reasonable efforts to secure and protect the equipment to prevent loss, damage, or theft.
    • Classroom Technology equipment is available by advance reservation on a first-come, first-served basis (subject to availability).
    • Classroom Technology equipment reservations will be accepted online at https://ttuhscep.sysaidit.com/ or by telephone at 915-215-4111, option 2. Classroom Technology employees cannot accept verbal reservations.

  11. Classroom Technology services will not be used for the illegal duplication or presentation of copyrighted media or material that contains patient identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), or any other type of protected/sensitive information.