General Information
Registration: Students are required to register for the appropriate courses in every semester in which they expect to receive assistance, use the facilities of the university, or take comprehensive examinations. The number of credit hours for which a student must enroll is 9 credit hours per semester.
Dropping a Course: Any student who wishes to drop a course must initiate such action with the GSBS main office. Students should follow the academic calendar for deadlines associated with dropping classes.
- It is important for students who receive financial aid or a GSBS scholarship to be
aware of the refund policies and to understand the impact they will have on the aid released and the continued
financial aid and scholarship eligibility.
- Current refund policies for students who withdraw or drop all courses during a term are determined by the Higher Education Title IV refund regulations.
- If you have questions about your Title IV program funds, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433- 3243). TeleTYpewrite (TTY) users may call 1-800-730-8913. Information is also available on Student Aid.
- Students may officially drop a course through the 12th day of a term and no grade designation is recorded.
- When a student drops a course after the census day (12th day of class) and by the student-initiated drop deadline, a grade of DW will show on the transcript.
Withdrawal from All Classes (Dropping to Zero Hours): Students who find it necessary to withdraw from the university prior to the end of a term should initiate such action with the GSBS main office. Students should submit an online withdrawal request to the Office of the Registrar; the last date of attendance must be documented. Students must clear all administrative holds from various academic or administrative departments prior to withdrawing officially from the university. The notation of “W” (withdraw) will be recorded for each class.
Leave of Absence: Leave of absence and its length is granted by the dean upon recommendation of the GSBS graduate council. Leave of absence may be granted only in cases of serious medical conditions or other exceptional reasons. Leave of absence may not extend the maximum time allowed for completion of the degree.
- Leave of absence within a semester.
- The student is responsible for contacting the GSBS main office to initiate the process.
- Once the GSBS main office is notified, the student must submit a Leave of Absence form.
- The Leave of Absence form must be approved and fully signed by the required parties in order to be considered official.
- The GSBS graduate council may approve or reject the leave of absence.
- The student is responsible for contacting professors regarding the material covered, assignments due, and any other requirements needed to complete the semester successfully.
- Leave of absence (consecutive semesters – 12 months)
- The student is responsible for contacting the GSBS main office to initiate the process.
- Once the GSBS main office is notified, the student must submit a Leave of Absence form.
- The Leave of Absence form must be approved and fully signed by the required parties in order to be considered official.
- The GSBS graduate council may approve or reject the leave of absence.
- Once the GSBS main office is notified, the GSBS main office will submit a memo to the Registrar’s office.
- The student is responsible for providing ample time to the GSBS main office to process the paperwork in a timely manner.
- Students who do not have an official leave of absence are subject to review for readmission by the standards in effect at the time of reconsideration
Full-Time Study: GSBS semesters are 16 weeks-long, 15 weeks of instruction plus one week for final examinations. Full-time enrollment is considered 9 credit hours for students during a regular semester. Students receiving (a) scholarship(s) must meet full-time enrollment requirements each semester.
Faculty and Staff Course Registration: Full-time members of the TTUHSC El Paso faculty and staff may enroll in courses with the permission of the course director, and by submitting a GSBS application. By registering for graduate work, any faculty or staff enrolled in coursework become subject to the regulations of the GSBS.
Academic Probation and Dismissal: All students enrolled in the GSBS are required to maintain a high level of performance and comply fully with the policies of the institution. The GSBS reserves the right to place on probation or dismiss any graduate student who does not maintain satisfactory academic standing or who fails to conform to the regulations of the TTUHSC El Paso.
Probation applies for a designated period of time and may lead to more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to be in violation of any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period, such as:
- If a student's grade point average (GPA) for a particular semester falls below 3.0, the student is placed on academic probation. The student must make a 3.0 GPA or better in the next semester in which he/she is enrolled. Failure to maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher in each succeeding semester may result in academic dismissal from the GSBS. Regulations governing scholastic probation are based on semester grade-point averages and apply regardless of overall grade-point average.
- Students are also required to follow the TTUHSC El Paso Institutional Student Handbook Code of Professional and Academic Conduct, the GSBS Student Handbook, and the GSBS Catalog. Failure to do so may be grounds for academic probation or dismissal.
- Students who receive a grade of C or below in two or more core courses are subject to academic probation.
Attendance: Whenever attendance and/or participation forms a basis for a portion or all of a course grade, students are provided with explicit written information (within the course syllabus) during the first week of classes. Such information is specific with regard to the penalty incurred for each absence and the means, if any, to compensate for the absence. It should be recognized that there may be certain situations where the student may not be permitted to make up the absence(s). Excused absences are determined by the course director.
Extracurricular Activities: Graduate students may participate in extracurricular activities within the guidelines of university policies. The Graduate Student Association (GSA) and the Student Government Association (SGA) offer many opportunities for participation. Second year master students are required to participate in the TTUHSC El Paso’s Annual Research Symposium which takes place during the spring semester so that all graduating students can gain experience presenting their research.
English Language Proficiency: A student found deficient in English may be required to satisfactorily complete certain English language courses (without graduate credit) before being considered for candidacy for a graduate degree.
Students’ Responsibilities: Every student is expected to become thoroughly familiar with TTUHSC El Paso regulations, guidelines, GSBS regulations, and degree requirements. Failure to follow the regulations and requirements almost inevitably results in complications for which the GSBS cannot assume responsibility.
TTUHSC El Paso Email: To facilitate communications, the GSBS communicates exclusively through the student’s assigned TTUHSC El Paso email account (i.e., It is the student’s responsibility to check the TTUHSC El Paso email account for important information and notifications. Communication through personal email occurs only before admission to the GSBS or in unforeseen cases.
Laptops: Majority of GSBS courses require the use of a laptop; therefore, it is strongly recommended that all incoming students possess and maintain a laptop computer that meets the technical specifications of TTUHSC El Paso and their school or program. For further information about technical specifications, students should contact the IT Help Desk at 915-215-4111 or
The following are the main systems the GSBS student will use:
- Canvas: Canvas is the TTUHSC El Paso online course management system. The GSBS uses Canvas to organize course material and assignments; therefore, it is the students’ responsibility to constantly check Canvas for any update or material available.
- ExamSoft: The GSBS uses ExamSoft as the software to deliver assessments. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the software and downloading course assessments in a promptly manner. Information about ExamSoft and other IT resources can be found in Canvas.
Scholarships: The GSBS seeks to continually recruit and retain the best quality students. In support of that goal, the GSBS offers scholarships to master’s students. In order to maintain the scholarship, master students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA or better per semester.
Failure to maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher in each semester will result in losing the
GSBS scholarship for the succeeding semester.
Transfer Credit: Work completed at another graduate school is not transferred to the GSBS programs. Graduate credit is not granted for courses taken by correspondence.
Waiving Requirements: There is no automatic waiving of requirements at the GSBS.
Tutoring: Group and one-on-one tutoring is available. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the course director and faculty when tutoring is needed