Paul L. Foster School of Medicine: Year Two Payment Information

2018-19 Academic Year

Payment Options

  1. 100% Due 08/01/2018 (full academic year)
  1. 50% Due 08/01/2018 (full fall term balance)
    50% Due 11/21/2018 (full spring term balance)

Students who elect to pay by option two will be assessed a $25 billing fee. This billing fee should be paid with your second installment payment due on 11/21/2018.

  1. 25% Due 08/01/2018 (half fall term balance)
    12.5% Due 08/29/2018 (quarter fall term balance)
    12.5% Due 10/03/2018 (quarter fall term balance)
    25% Due 11/21/2018 (half spring term balance)
    12.5% Due 12/19/2018 (quarter spring term balance)
    12.5% Due 01/23/2019 (quarter spring term balance)

Students who elect to pay by option three will be assessed a $25 billing fee per semester. This should be paid as follows: first billing fee of $25 due with your 08/01/2018 installment and second billing fee of $25 due with your 11/21/2018 installment.

All TTUHSC El Paso students will be required to complete a Financial Responsibility Agreement. This payment agreement will remain in effect as long as you are a student at TTUHSC El Paso. Failure to pay by the established due date and/or complete the Financial Responsibility Agreement will result in the cancellation of your enrollment. Cancellation will occur on 08/31/2018 for the fall portion of your registration. Cancellation will occur on 12/21/2018 for the spring portion of your registration.

Students registering after preregistration or those making changes to their billing after the initial billing has been emailed need to check their balances online via the WebRaider Portal. All billing notifications will be delivered via your TTUHSC El Paso-assigned email address.

Payment due dates are the same for all Paul L. Foster School of Medicine second-year students, regardless of their registration date. Late payment charges will be applied to all accounts that have not met minimum payment requirements as of 08/01/2018. If a student registers after the initial due date of 08/01/2018, s/he has two business days to make payment before any late penalties are assessed. Late payment fees are $50 per occurrence.

Financial Aid

Financial aid will apply to accounts beginning on 07/28/2018 for the first half of the academic year and on 11/17/2018 for the second half of the academic year. Financial aid will be applied toward any outstanding tuition and fee balances.