Registered IPE Activities
- Introduction to IPE: IPE Orientation Module
- The Roles and Responsibilities Team-Based Learning IPE Event
- The TeamSTEPPS Team-Based Learning IPE
- The Ethics Cased-Based Learning IPE Event
- Roles and Responsibilities Common Core IPE - Alternate Make-up Activity (Faculty Lead: Dr. S. Crawford)
- Disaster Day Event (Faculty Leads: Dr. S. Crawford, Dr. S. Monks)
- Applied Ergonomics in Dentistry Activity (Faculty Leads: Dr. B. Boyea (UTEP), Dr. A. Gonzalez, Dr. JR Gonzalez, Dr. W. Woodall
- SimGHOSTS X Conference (Faculty Lead: Dr. S. Crawford)
- Value-Based Care (VBC) & Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Simulation Workshop
Faculty leads: Dr. E. Lee Rosenthal & Dr. Salma Elwazeer - Non-Violent Crisis Prevention De-escalation Training (Lead: Angelica Serna)
- Motivational Interviewing (MI) Simulation Workshop
Faculty leads: Dr. Salma Elwazeer & Dr. E. Lee Rosenthal - Poverty Simulation
Faculty leads: Dr. Salma Elwazeer & Dr. E. Lee Rosenthal - Patient-Centered Interviewing Simulation
Faculty leads: Dr. Salma Elwazeer & Dr. E. Lee Rosenthal - Worlds Apart Cross-Cultural Healthcare Case-Based Discussions
Faculty leads: Dr. E. Lee Rosenthal & Dr. Salma Elwazeer - Cultural Competence Activity (Faculty Leads: Dr. S. Elwazeer, Dr. L. Rosenthal)
- Os Magni Momenti Est Activity – The Mouth is of Great Importance (Faculty Leads: Dr. J. Mercer, Dr. R. McPharlin)
- Community Assessment
Faculty leads: Dr. E. Lee Rosenthal & Dr. Salma Elwazeer