56.40.01 - Web Publishing Standards
To establish guidelines on how content will be published by TTUHSC El Paso on the world wide web.
This policy will be reviewed every odd-number year by the associate managing director for Institutional Advancement and the senior director of academic technology, with final approval by the chief information officer (CIO).
- The Office of Institutional Advancement must approve all official web publications prior to publication.
- The content and links of all websites and webpages are the responsibility of the author and his/her respective department/organization and should be reviewed/updated on a recurring basis according to the guidelines set forth by the Web Task Force to ensure accuracy.
- Sites and pages that are not regularly maintained or are outdated are subject to removal. A removal notification will be sent out 30 days before the site is removed and a second notice will be sent 10 days prior to the removal date. However, a site may be removed immediately with the approval of the CIO.
- All TTUHSC El Paso websites must be created using the approved templates, layouts, seals, and logos contained in the Web Content Management System.
- Altering the website without institutional approval is prohibited.
- For print and other uses, official digital media must be obtained from the Office of Institutional Advancement on the TTUHSC El Paso Brand Identity Guidelines website.
- All TTUHSC El Paso-related websites and/or webpages must comply with Texas Administrative
Code (TAC) 206, state websites for accessibility, usability, privacy, security, etc.
See the following for more information:
- Texas Administrative Code 206 - State Web Sites
- W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative
- W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Quick Reference
- DIR's Statewide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility
- TAC's Chapter 206 State Web Site Guidelines
- All websites must follow the S.B.No. 1910 SECTION 1 Subchapter C, Chapter 2054 act.