Event Management System Cancellations
One or many bookings can make up a reservation, but not vice versa.
Proceed to "My Account" then "View My Requests."
In the tab, you will find your currently active reservations. Click on the event name to
You will be taken to the "Reservation Details" page.
To cancel a booking and/or reservation, there are several ways to accomplish it. To
cancel a booking, simply select the red on the left side of the screen.
A dialog box will be displayed with the following question, “Are you sure you want to cancel this booking?" Select a cancel reason from the drop down list, enter any notes and select “Cancel Booking(s).”
If you do not want to proceed with canceling the booking, select “Cancel” to cancel out of the screen.
Another option exists on the right side of the "Reservation Details" page.
"Cancel Bookings" allows you to cancel a single or multiple bookings.
Select the booking(s) you wish to cancel by filling in the . Proceed by clicking on
. A confirmation box will pop up prompting you to enter a "Cancel Reason" and "Cancel
Once the reason is selected and the notes are entered, click on . A message will pop-up acknowledging the change.
You will then be taken back to the page where the newly canceled booking will appear with a status of "Web Cancel."
"Cancel All Bookings" this option allows you to cancel all bookings at once. Once you click on this option, the confirmation box will pop up prompting you to enter a "Cancel Reason" and "Cancel Notes."
Once the reason is selected and the notes are entered, click on . A message will pop-up acknowledging the change.
You will then be taken back to the page where all the bookings will appear with a status of "Web Cancel."