New TTUHSC El Paso Websites Information

"New" TTUHSC El Paso websites

External site that will cater to the needs of people who are not members of the TTUHSC El Paso community.

Public-facing website.

Internal site that will cater to the needs of members of the TTUHSC El Paso community (students, faculty and staff).

Site will be eRaider protected.

Archive site that will never change and will display as it was before this transition.

Site only available on the TTUHSC El Paso network.

Timeline for new TTUHSC El Paso website






SEP 22 - OCT 6 OCT 13 - NOV 4 NOV 7 - DEC 2 DEC
Delete old and unused files from current Determine content placement within the three new websites. Re-purpose and content creation for new external site ( Create new TTUHSC El Paso site (
[Recording] of phase 1 webinar held on September 21 at 10 AM [Recording] of phase 2 webinar on October 12 at 10 AM Registration for phase 3 webinar on November 2 at 10 AM  
[Recording] of phase 1 webinar held on September 22 at 2 PM [Recording] of phase 2 webinar on October 13 at 2 PM Registration for phase 3 webinar on November 3 at 2 PM  
Phase 1 reports (link to box site)
Phase 2 reports (link to box site)    


Point of contact for website reports (link to Box site)


Webinars for new TTUHSC El Paso website


Webinar series name:
Academic Website Update - General overview and Phase 1 (Cleanup)

Webinar series registration link:
September 21 [Recording]
September 22 [Recording]

We'll discuss the future changes to our main website and the impact of those changes. With a general overview of action plan with special focus to phase 1.

Special note:
Method 1 for editing files on Box (Microsoft 360 account) is not available to everyone. But methods 2 (Box Tools plug-in) and 3 (download, edit and upload) should work for everyone.

Webinar series name:
Academic Website Update - Phase 2 (Sorting)

Webinar series registration link:
October 12 [Recording]
October 13 [Recording]

In depth look into phase 2 regarding content sorting. Providing guidance on next steps needed to complete this second phase.

Webinar series name:
Academic Website Update - Phase 3a (Re-purpose)

Webinar series registration link:
Registration to Phase 3 (Re-purposing) webinars

In depth look into phase 3a regarding content repurposing for external website. Providing guidance on steps needed to complete this part of phase three.


Current state of TTUHSC El Paso website

End of phase 1 statistics

(As of October 07, 2022)

Departmental Sites Reports Not Linked Obsolete Kept Deleted Archived
81 12819 7509 1091 3447 15790