Against Colorectal Cancer In Our Neigborhoods (ACCION)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the US and throughout Texas. Incidence and mortality rates for CRC among Hispanics in El Paso County are higher than for Hispanics in the rest of Texas. CRC is preventable with screening, and screening reduces deaths from CRC, yet CRC screening rates in El Paso County are one of the lowest in Texas: rates of current screening are 37% in El Paso County compared to 53.3% in Texas among 50-64 year olds.
ACCION is a program designed to reduce the rates of CRC in El Paso County through education by improving screening rates among uninsured or underinsured 50-75 year old predominantly Hispanic residents that are not up to date with CRC screening. The program is based out of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Department of Family and Community Medicine and collaborates with many community organizations to increase screening rates by delivering an evidence-based intervention to address specific barriers through the use of educational material including video, flip charts and brochures.
Through screening and early diagnosis, chances of surviving improve significantly.
If found early, just 1 out of 10 people will die within 5 years.
Colorectal Cancer Education
Educacion Sobre El Cáncer Colorrectal