Course Descriptions
You are currently viewing the 2017–18 PLFSOM school catalog.
PANE 8011 SENIOR ANESTHESIOLOGY ELECTIVE This is a clinical “independent study” elective in which the student, in consultation with the supervising faculty member identifies the topics he/she wishes to address and negotiates elective goals, objectives, and activities with the faculty and the Office of Student Affairs. (2 or 4 weeks) [V1-99 cr.]
PANE 8051 ANESTHESIOLOGY ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Anesthesiology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PANE 8052 ANESTHESIOLOGY ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Anesthesiology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PANE 8053 ANESTHESIOLOGY ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Anesthesiology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PANE 8100 ANESTHESIOLOGY RESEARCH Students with an interest in research in Anesthesiology will spend time in the departmental research division participating in some phase of a research project (design and development, literature review, data gathering and interpretation, write-up) under the supervision of a faculty member directing the project. [V1-99 cr.]
PEME 8001 EMERGENCY MEDICINE This is a required four week clerkship that will be taken in Year 4. This clerkship provides students opportunities to participate in the care of undifferentiated acutely ill patients presenting to the emergency department. [4 cr.]
PEME 8051 EMERGENCY MEDICINE ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Emergency Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PEME 8052 EMERGENCY MEDICINE ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Emergency Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PEME 8053 EMERGENCY MEDICINE ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Emergency Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PEME 8100 EMERGENCY MEDICINE RESEARCH Students with an interest in research in Emergency Medicine will spend time in the departmental research division participating in some phase of a research project (design and development, literature review, data gathering and interpretation, write-up) under the supervision of a faculty member directing the project. [V1-99 cr.]
PFAM 7002 FAMILY MEDICINE CLERKSHIP This clerkship exposes students to the care of the undifferentiated ambulatory patient across the life-span. The emphasis of this clerkship is on the diagnosis and management of common acute problems and the longitudinal management of patients with chronic conditions. Health promotion and prevention are also stressed. This clerkship is paired with the surgery clerkship in a 16 week block, of which 6 weeks is devoted Family Medicine. In addition, during the block, students spend one- half day per week in a longitudinal Family Medicine selective experience designed to give the student opportunities to explore areas of interest such as chronic disease management, sports medicine, geriatrics, community medicine, or pre-natal care. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a community service activity during the clerkship. Finally, “shared” teaching and learning experiences are provided in both Family Medicine and Surgery (e.g., wound care, pre- and post-operative care, sports medicine, etc.). [7 cr.]
PFAM 8001 FAMILY MEDICINE SUB-INTERNSHIP The acting internship in Family Medicine is a four week rotation on the inpatient service at University Medical Center and weekly continuity clinic at the Family Medicine Clinic. The student will be an integral part of the inpatient team which consists of a Family Medicine attending, residents (PGY-1, PGY-2, and PGY-3), a PharmD, and the inpatient ancillary staff (nursing, social workers, and physical therapy). The student will be exposed to a broad spectrum of acutely ill patients. Student responsibilities include initial evaluation of patients, taking a detailed history and physical, selective of appropriate therapeutics and presentation of the patient to the team and subsequent care during the patient’s hospitalization. This includes Family Medicine patients, patients admitted to the Medicine, Pediatric, or Labor and Delivery floors. [4 cr.]
PFAM 8011 FAMILY MEDICINE SENIOR ROTATION This is a clinical “independent study” elective in which the student, in consultation with the supervising faculty member identifies the topics he/she wishes to address and negotiates elective goals, objectives, and activities with the faculty and the Office of Student Affairs. (2 or 4 weeks) [V1-99 cr.]
PFAM 8051 FAMILY MEDICINE ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Family Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PFAM 8052 FAMILY MEDICINE ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Family Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PFAM 8053 FAMILY MEDICINE ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Family Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PICE 7001 CLERKSHIP PREP COURSE – INTEGRATED CURRICULAR ELEMENTS The Clerkship Preparation Course of the Integrative Curricular Elements (ICE) program is an 8-week course occurring at the end of the MS2 year. It is designed to ensure students possess the essential knowledge and skills required for entry into the clerkship phase of their medical training. The major elements of this course include Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) training, Tankside Grand Rounds (TSGR), and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), a self-directed learning phase, and the National Board of Medical Examiners’ Comprehensive Basic Science Exam (NBME CBSE). [2 cr.]
PINT 7001 INTERNAL MEDICINE CLERKSHIP In this 10 week experience students participate as members of the ward team performing histories and physical examinations, integrating and documenting data derived from laboratory investigation and imaging studies leading to the accurate diagnosis of disease. Students are also exposed to standards of care in the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses of adults. Six weeks of this experience are devoted to general internal medicine and three weeks are set aside for a subspecialty selective in a variety of areas including cardiology, pulmonology, infectious diseases, and rheumatology. The Internal Medicine clerkship shares an integrated 16 week block with the Psychiatry clerkship. A variety of “shared” teaching and learning opportunities are provided to explore the mental health implications of various diseases and the medical implications of psychiatric disorders. [10 cr.]
PINT 8001 INTERNAL MEDICINE SUB-INTERNSHIP This ward-based, primary care sub-internship provides the student an individualized, case-oriented experience as a sub-intern on a general medicine ward service, designed to be the natural extension of the third-year clerkship. Each student will work closely with a senior resident, have primary patient responsibility, take night call with his/her team, have patient care responsibilities like an intern with close supervision by the senior resident, be assigned readings and give mini-lectures on selected subjects, and attend the regularly scheduled teaching conferences of the Department of Internal Medicine. This sub-internship is strongly recommended for students planning to pursue a career in Internal Medicine. [4 cr.]
PINT 8002 MICU/CCU This critical care selective clerkship utilizes patients admitted to the intensive care unit. . The student will gain experiences in managing common medical emergencies, including cardiopulmonary arrest, drug overdose, hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock, congestive heart failure, renal failure, and diabetic ketoacidosis. The student is also expected to become proficient in the evaluation and management of common chest problems, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pleural effusions, perioperative complications, pneumonia, atelectasis, respiratory failure, pulmonary function tests, and chest x-rays, and to become familiar with the various types of mechanical ventilators, oxygen delivery systems, and methods of delivering inhaled medication. [4 cr.]
PINT 8012 ENDOCRINOLOGY ELECTIVE This elective includes inpatient and outpatient care, weekly conferences in clinical and basic endocrinology, and research activity if desired. The student will have an opportunity to work up and manage patients with a wide variety of both chronic and acute endocrinological and metabolic disorders. Patients with hypertension, especially those known or suspected to be caused by an endocrine disease, will also be seen. [V1-99 cr.]
PINT 8017 PULMONARY ELECTIVE This elective is offered to the student for clinical experience in pulmonary disorders, emphasizing acute and chronic respiratory failure, intensive respiratory care, and interpretation of pulmonary function tests and chest x-rays. [V1-99 cr.]
PINT 8018 RHEUMATOLOGY ELECTIVE This elective offers an in-depth look at the clinical array of rheumatologic disorders. Students will be exposed to inpatients and outpatients with emphasis on diagnosis and long-term management of common rheumatic diseases. Depending on the student's level of proficiency and interest, the student may be allowed to participate in procedures such as joint aspiration and injection, and will interpret synovial fluid studies. Students will learn the correct indications and monitoring of common rheumatic drugs and the fundamentals of rheumatic rehabilitation. [V1-99 cr.]
PINT 8019 DERMATOLOGY CLINIC This elective is designed to expose the student to a wide variety of dermatologic conditions with the expectation that at the conclusion of the experience common disorders will be recognizable. The student will participate in clinics (few inpatient consults) observing a variety of dermatologic disorders and dermatologic procedures in both the adult and pediatric patient population. Also offered is exposure to dermatopathology and dermatologic surgery, thus allowing clinicopathologic correlation. [V1-99 cr.]
PINT 8023 GERIATRICS This rotation will allow students to learn about the principles of aging and become proficient in the management of certain Geriatrics syndromes. [V1-99 cr.]
PINT 8025 NUTRITION SUPPORT ELECTIVE During this elective, the student will be exposed to a spectrum of conditions that are present in hospitalized patients or could be the reason for hospitalization and will learn first-hand about pathophysiology, treatment approaches including enteral and parenteral nutrition approaches and pharmacologic options to control symptoms. The elective is offered as a 2- or 4-week elective and is available August-April. (2 students) [O2-4 cr.]
PINT 8051 INTERNAL MEDICINE ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Internal Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PINT 8052 INTERNAL MEDICINE ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Internal Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PINT 8053 INTERNAL MEDICINE ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Internal Medicine at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PMAS 5101 MASTERS' COLLOQUIUM I Masters’ Colloquium I is facilitated by the Masters' of the independent learning communities (Colleges) to which each student is assigned. The colloquia are conducted in a discussion or workshop format, and cover the multidisciplinary aspects of professional development. Domains will include critical thinking and critique, communication skills, humanism and empathy, and bioethics. [2 cr.]
PMAS 5112 MASTERS' COLLOQUIUM II Continuation of Masters’ Colloquium I. [1 cr.]
PMAS 6101 MASTERS' COLLOQUIUM III Masters’ Colloquium III is facilitated by the Masters' of the independent learning communities (Colleges) to which each student is assigned. The colloquia are conducted in a discussion or workshop format, and cover the multidisciplinary aspects of professional development. Domains include critical thinking and critique, medical decision-making, ethics, development of professionalism, leadership skills, citizenship in the medical community, and exploration of controversies in the socioeconomics of healthcare. [2 cr.]
PMAS 6112 MASTER'S COLLOQUIUM IV Continuation of Masters’ Colloquium III. [1 cr.]
PMSK 5301 MEDICAL SKILLS I Medical Skills I is designed to teach each medical student the basic clinical skills needed for medical practice. These skills include effective communication, scheme-based history taking and physical examination, development of clinical reasoning, formation of an initial diagnostic plan, interpretation of basic diagnostic studies, performance of selected procedures, provision of counseling and feedback, and articulate clinical case presentation. [2 cr.]
PMSK 5312 MEDICAL SKILLS II Continuation of Medical Skills I. [1 cr.]
PMSK 6301 MEDICAL SKILLS III Continuation of Medical Skills II. [2 cr.]
PMSK 6312 MEDICAL SKILLS IV Continuation of Medical Skills III. [1 cr.]
PNEU 8001 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES This rotation exposes the student to basic principles of diagnosis and management of common neurologic conditions. Students learn skills in conducting neurologic exams, identifying signs and symptoms of neurologic disorders, and integrating signs and symptoms into syndromes. Students learn about basic neurologic disorders and neurologic complications of systemic conditions. [4 cr.]
PNEU *TBA NEURO INTENSIVE CARE UNIT This critical care selective clerkship is an experience in the Neurocritical Care Unit. The student will gain experiences in caring for patients with life-threatening neurological illnesses such as massive stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, brain tumors, status epilepticus, nerve and muscle disorders, and spinal cord disorders. [4 cr.]
PNEU 8002 NEUROLOGICAL CRITICAL CARE This selective/elective is a four week experience that fulfills the Critical Care requirement. The student will gain experience in the management of critically ill patients with complex medical problems requiring extensive monitoring and intervention. This experience is only available to students who have completed all required third year clerkships. [V1-99 cr.]
PNEU 8051 NEUROLOGY ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Neurology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PNEU 8052 NEUROLOGY ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Neurology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PNEU 8053 NEUROLOGY ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Neurology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
POBG 7001 OBSTETRICS-GYNECOLOGY CLERKSHIP In this 8 week clinical rotation, students participate in the comprehensive care of women and include experiences in pre- and post-natal care, labor and delivery, and the medical and surgical management of diseases in women. In-patient and ambulatory experiences are provided. The OB-GYN clerkship is paired in an integrated 16 week block with Pediatrics. These disciplines share a “mother-baby” experience in which students participate in the care of a pregnant patient, participate in that patient’s delivery, and then follow the care of the infant as part of the Pediatric component of the clerkship. [4 cr.]
POBG 8001 OB/GYN SUBINTERNSHIP The sub-internship in Obstetrics and Gynecology will further advance the student’s understanding of care of the female patient. It will include ambulatory, hospital, and surgical care of the female patient, from adolescents to the older female patient. Over the course of 4 weeks students will participate on an intern level in the care of obstetrical and gynecological patients. [4 cr.]
POBG 8051 OB/GYN ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Obstetrics & Gynecology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
POBG 8052 OB/GYN ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Obstetrics & Gynecology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
POBG 8053 OB/GYN ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Obstetrics & Gynecology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
POPH 8051 OPHTHALMOLOGY ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Ophthalmology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
POPH 8052 OPHTHALMOLOGY ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Ophthalmology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
POPH 8053 OPHTHALMOLOGY ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Ophthalmology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
POPH 8100 OPHTHALMOLOGY RESEARCH This elective introduces the student to the wide range of research possibilities in the area of visual sciences. A number of projects are available. Ongoing projects include Visual psychophysics and electrophysiology, Machine vision, Artificial intelligence applications, Digital imaging, Cell growth acceleration, including work with defensins and Substance P, Cell growth inhibition, including work with cell growth factor receptor blockers, Glaucoma, Glaucoma drug design, Cornea surgery, Vitreoretinal surgery, Instrument development and design, and Retrospective clinical studies. [V1-99 cr.]
PORS 8011 GENERAL ORTHOPAEDICS SENIOR ELECTIVE This is a clinical “independent study” elective in which the student, in consultation with the supervising faculty member identifies the topics he/she wishes to address and negotiates elective goals, objectives, and activities with the faculty and the Office of Student Affairs. (2 or 4 weeks) [V1-99 cr.]
PORS 8012 – Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation The goal of this rotation is to become familiarize with outpatient PM&R procedures and get an excellent exposure to various types of injections. Students will be exposed to all types of joint and trigger point injections in addition to more sophisticated nerve block, lumbar sympathetic blocks, and epidural injections under fluoroscopy. In some patients EMG guided Botox injections for dystonia or similar conditions are used. The anatomy and comprehensive history taking and physical examination will be emphasized throughout the rotation. [V1-99 cr.]
PORS 8013 PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDICS This elective will introduce the student to different pathologies related to the pediatric musculoskeletal system. Students will understand the normal variation of development of the lower extremities and become familiar with different pediatric orthopedic surgeries. This elective is offered as a 2- or 4-week elective and is available September – November and January - April. (2 students) [O2-4 cr.]
PORS 8051 ORTHOPAEDIC ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Orthopaedic Surgery at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PORS 8052 ORTHOPAEDIC ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Orthopaedic Surgery at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PORS 8053 ORTHOPAEDIC ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Orthopaedic Surgery at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPAT 8051 PATHOLOGY ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Pathology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPAT 8052 PATHOLOGY ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Pathology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPAT 8053 PATHOLOGY ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Pathology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPED 7001 PEDIATRICS CLERKSHIP This is an 8 week clinical experience that is paired with Obstetrics-Gynecology in a 16 week integrated block. Students are exposed to a comprehensive approach to the care of children in the pediatric in-patient, neo-natal, and ambulatory settings. As members of ward teams and working under the supervision of faculty physicians in ambulatory settings, students participate in the evaluation and management of children suffering from a variety of acute and chronic health care problems. Wellness and prevention are also stressed. “Shared” learning opportunities with OB-GYN are provided over the 16 week block including a “mother-baby” experience in which students are assigned to a pregnant patient, participate in the delivery of that patient’s infant and then follow the infant into the pediatric care setting. [4 cr.]
PPED 8001 PEDIATRIC SUBINTERNSHIP The student will work as a member of a team caring for patients admitted to the pediatric inpatient service. During this elective, the student will have an opportunity to learn to formulate problem lists, management, and follow-up plans for hospitalized pediatric patients. [4 cr.]
PPED 8002 PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT This is a critical care selective clerkship. The student will be exposed to all pediatric critical care: Sepsis, Trauma, ARDs, and all potentially life-threatening illnesses. The student will act as an acting intern with direct patient care responsibilities. There will be no outpatient, ward, or clinic responsibilities except Continuity Clinic. The student will make daily rounds with the attending physicians. The student will have an opportunity to perform procedures such as spinal taps, A-line, central lines, chest tubes, intubation, and catheter placement. Emphasis will be placed on physiology, recognition of common acute life-threatening injuries/illnesses, and ventilator management. [4 cr.]
PPED 8003 NEONATOLOGY INTENSIVE CARE This critical care selective clerkship is designed to familiarize the student with perinatal/neonatal physiology, high-risk factors associated with neonatal disease pathophysiology diagnosis and management of common neonatal problems, dealing with acute neonatal emergencies, and communicating with parents of high-risk neonates. The student’s primary responsibility will be the total management and supervision of assigned patients. Students will also be expected to participate in daily rounds, night call, weekly discussion group on neonatal/perinatal diseases and presentation of a review on a selected aspect of neonatal/perinatal medicine towards the end of the rotation. [4 cr.]
PPED 8051 PEDIATRIC ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Pediatrics at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPED 8052 PEDIATRIC ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Pediatrics at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPED 8053 PEDIATRIC ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Pediatrics at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPSY 7002 PSYCHIATRY CLERKSHIP This clerkship is designed to expose students to the diagnosis and management of common psychiatric illness across the life-span in both ambulatory and in-patient settings. The Psychiatry clerkship is paired with the Internal Medicine clerkship in a 16 week block of which 6 weeks is devoted to experiences in the discipline of psychiatry. In addition, students also participate in a one-half day per week longitudinal selective experience throughout the 16 week block in such areas as child and adolescent psychiatry, sleep medicine, neurology, psychiatric emergency medicine, and consultation-liaison psychiatry. Shared teaching and learning opportunities, including joint medicine-psychiatry rounds, are held to permit students to explore the overlap between the disciplines of Medicine and Psychiatry. [7 cr.]
PPSY 8015 PSYCHIATRY SENIOR ELECTIVE This is a clinical “independent study” elective in which the student, in consultation with the supervising faculty member identifies the topics he/she wishes to address and negotiates elective goals, objectives, and activities with the faculty and the Office of Student Affairs. (2 or 4 weeks) [V1-99 cr.]
PPSY 8051 PSYCHIATRY ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Psychiatry at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPSY 8052 PSYCHIATRY ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Psychiatry at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PPSY 8053 PSYCHIATRY ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Psychiatry at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PRAD 8011 RADIOLOGY SENIOR ELECTIVE This is a clinical “independent study” elective in which the student, in consultation with the supervising faculty member identifies the topics he/she wishes to address and negotiates elective goals, objectives, and activities with the faculty and the Office of Student Affairs. (2 or 4 weeks) [V1-99 cr.]
PRAD 8051 RADIOLOGY ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Radiology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PRAD 8052 RADIOLOGY ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Radiology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PRAD 8053 RADIOLOGY ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Radiology at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PSAP 5401 SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY PROJECT I The first phase of a three phase required independent study project that must be completed no later than the spring of the fourth year of medical school. Students must sign up for Scholarly Activity Project 1 in the second semester of the first year of medical school. Credit will be given for identifying a project and a project mentor and preparation of a project plan. A wide variety of projects ranging from participating in on-going basic or clinical research projects, participating in community based projects, or engaging in a project related to medical humanities or medical education research. A data base of project opportunities will be available to aid the student in identifying on-going projects and mentors. A Meet & Greet is also held to introduce potential mentors to the students. [1 cr.]
PSAP 6401 SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY PROJECT II Continuation of Scholarly Activity Project I. Students will register for this course during the semester in which they intend to complete the project they have developed. Credit will be based on the submission of a final report detailing the results of the project they have developed. Final report reviews by faculty members and mentor assessments will help determine if sufficient progress has been made to enable the student to prepare a poster documenting the project and its outcomes. [1 cr.]
PSAP 7401 SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY PROJECT III The culmination of the Scholarly Activity Project requirement. This course is a co-requisite with Scholarly Activity Project II. Students will register for this course during the semester in which they complete their final reports on their research and then present the results of their projects in a poster presentation during a student symposium. [1 cr.]
PSPM 5002 SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINE II Continuation of Scientific Principles of Medicine I. The organ-system units include ‘Hematologic System’, ‘Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems’, and ‘Renal System’. [10 cr.]
PSPM 5011 SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINE I Scientific Principles of Medicine I is designed to foster the rapid acquisition, integration and application of scientific knowledge fundamental to the practice of medicine. By using diagnostic scheme algorithms as conceptual frameworks for both learning and application of the basic and clinical sciences, the knowledge structure and diagnostic skills of an experienced clinician will be developed from the very outset of instruction. Students will explore human health and disease within individual organ-system based units that are each organized into a series of ‘clinical presentations’ (e.g. fever, abdominal pain) that reflect the major ways in which a person would present to a physician. The major units featured here are ‘Introduction to Health and Disease’, ‘Gastrointestinal System’ and ‘Integumentary, Musculoskeletal and Introduction to the Nervous System’. [14 cr.]
PSPM 6001 SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINE III Continuation of Scientific Principles of Medicine II. The organ-system units include ‘Central Nervous System and Special Senses’, ‘Endocrine System’, and ‘Reproductive System’. [10 cr.]
PSPM 6012 SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINE IV Continuation of Scientific Principles of Medicine III. The featured organ-system unit is ‘Mind and Human Development’ [8 cr.]
PSCI 5211 SOCIETY, COMMUNITY, AND INDIVIDUAL I Society, Community, and the Individual (SCI) is designed to expose students to the social foundations of medicine, biostatistics and epidemiology, the interpretation of clinical research data, and conversational and medical Spanish. A major emphasis of the course is how social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental forces affect, and are affected by, the health of individuals. In addition to working with community physicians and other health care providers as part of the SCI experience, students will enhance their ability to effectively communicate with Spanish speaking patients. The course also offers students the opportunity for meaningful engagement in service-based earning. [6 cr.]
PSCI 5212 SOCIETY, COMMUNITY, AND INDIVIDUAL II Continuation of Society, Community, and the Individual I. [1 cr.]
PSCI 6211 SOCIETY, COMMUNITY, AND INDIVIDUAL III Continuation of Society, Community, and the Individual II. [2 cr.]
PSCI 6212 SOCIETY, COMMUNITY, AND INDIVIDUAL IV Continuation of Society, Community, and the Individual III. [1 cr.]
PSUR 7001 SURGERY CLERKSHIP This clerkship exposes students to the pathophysiology of surgical diseases and to the principles and techniques of surgical approaches to the diagnosis and management of diseases. As members of the surgical team consisting of attending physicians and residents, students participate in pre-operative, operative, and post-operative patient care. This clerkship is paired with the discipline of Family Medicine in an integrated 16 week block, of which 6 weeks focuses on general surgery and 3 weeks is allocated to a surgical subspecialty selective experience (e.g., orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, and neurosurgery). “Shared” teaching and learning experiences spanning the disciplines of Surgery and Family Medicine are provided to expose students to interdisciplinary approaches to patient care and management. [10 cr.]
PSUR 8001 GENERAL SURGERY SUBINTERNSHIP The student will serve as an extern on the surgical service and participate in the care of surgical patients in the emergency room, surgical wards, operating room, and clinic. Pre- and postoperative care and the management of patients will be stressed. [4 cr.]
PSUR 8002 SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE This critical care selective clerkship is an experience in the management of surgical patients in the intensive care unit. [4 cr.]
PSUR 8051 SURGERY ELECTIVE I This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Surgery at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PSUR 8052 SURGERY ELECTIVE II This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Surgery at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]
PSUR 8053 SURGERY ELECTIVE III This elective is for students participating in an off-campus rotation. The student is responsible for identifying an appropriate elective in Surgery at an LCME-accredited institution and meeting the requirements of the respective school for admission for that elective. The student may not take the same elective content in more than one location. Each elective must have a different focus in order to receive credit for electives in the same discipline. [V1-99 cr.]