Academic Council Preparation Guidelines for Agenda Item Requests
- Submit any agenda item for consideration by the Academic Council to the Office of Academic Affairs at least two weeks prior to the meeting so that the item may undergo the appropriate level of review.
- Provide a clear and concise explanation of what the Academic Council is being asked to consider.
- If the requestor is asking the Academic Council to take action on an item, the explanation must include what action is being requested, who is making the recommendation, and if appropriate, what the implications may be if action is not taken.
- Provide full disclosure of all relevant factors needed for the Academic Council to make an informed decision on the item, including a history of any previous actions taken by the Academic Council or other advisory or governing body.
- Any supporting documentation must be appropriately referenced and informative.
- All abbreviations and acronyms must be spelled out the first time they appear.
- Include all handouts with agenda item request in electronic format: standard Microsoft
Office applications or as PDFs. If referencing a website, include the hyperlink with
full URL.
- Please note that electronic format is especially important as there are no paper copies made available during the Academic Council meetings.
- All supporting documentation must be complete (e.g., red-lined version of HSCEP OPs in one Microsoft Word document from all reviewers) prior to being submitted as a request for Academic Council review.
- Ensure agenda item and supporting documentation have undergone all appropriate reviews (e.g., departmental, school, administrative, etc.) before submitting request.
- The Office of Academic Affairs will review and consider agenda item requests submitted in a timely manner. All items placed on the agenda are at the discretion of the vice president for academic affairs.
- Agenda and handouts will be available on the Academic Council SharePoint site one week prior to the meeting to be accessed by members to download to their personal tablets, laptops or other electronic devices.
- Persons submitting an agenda item request, or her or his representative as outlined in the request, may be expected to present the item at the meeting should item be placed on the agenda.