TTUHSC El Paso is located in the second largest binational metropolitan area on the U.S.-Mexico border. It provides the opportunities and environment for direct intellectual and interpersonal exchanges among nursing, medical, and graduate research students on one campus.
TTUHSC El Paso provides a variety of educational opportunities for current and future physicians.
Providing enhanced biomedical opportunities in a collaborative environment to improve our nation's well-being.
Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso is part of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine. Our dedicated team of health care professionals and staff strive to provide patients with high-quality, safe health care services.
Stay up-to-date with TTUHSC El Paso news and events. Whether it’s a community event, employee training, or major research achievement, if it’s happening at TTUHSC El Paso, you’ll find it here.
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